This blog has been created to discuss the topics covered in my book : Beyond Discouragement-Creativity.
My goal is to post relevant news articles which both reflect and refute my opinions and observations. As a visitor, your comments would be most appreciated. - Bienvenue. À vous la parole.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

While writing Beyond Discouragement Creativity I had to bypass many thoughts and comments collected over the past 40 years. There were just too many to include them all. Also, some didn't fit the composition of the book and others had enough meat on their bones to be catalysts for other books.

As stand-alones though, some of the musings have something to say so I thought I would post a few every once in awhile for comment or rumination. The year they came into being is indicated at the end of each.

"Without the oppression of absolutism we would be stuck in a world of freedom, total fulfillment and unfettered bliss. How in the world could any of us cope with that?" - 83

"Absolutes are more easily dismissed than absolutists." - 96

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Book

Beyond Discouragement - Creativity is the result of observations over a 40 year period. It summarizes our times; the contexts in which we live, the conundrums we encounter and the resulting devastating impact fear, apathy and victimhood are having on adults and children.

The contents have been defined as

•    politically incorrect
•    harsh
•    a no holds barred reality check

There are no pretty pictures in this "sketch book". Beyond Discouragement - Creativity is a wake up call, a reminder that things are not what they pretend to be. But despite the "discouragements" inherent in the times in which we live, I remain optimistic. My goal is to raise questions and even shackles, cause discussions to happen and passions to be stirred - all of this in the hope that  the encouragement of creativity will become  normal - i.e.: "what there is the most of" in the daily lives of adults and children everywhere.

And now. . .  Time to have your say.