This blog has been created to discuss the topics covered in my book : Beyond Discouragement-Creativity.
My goal is to post relevant news articles which both reflect and refute my opinions and observations. As a visitor, your comments would be most appreciated. - Bienvenue. À vous la parole.

Monday, March 7, 2011

We love to see others fail and fall and crash and get crushed. Bravo for us. . .

I have been absent for some time due to the preparations for my next show in Bermuda. Nonetheless, I am back due to a newspaper article in the Globe and Mail, (07-03-11) entitled: "The real craziness? Our glee at Charlie Sheen's crack-up". This article struck a chord. . .  In my book I make reference to our seeming enjoyment of other people's suffering as an indicator of our times. We love the "fools" who appear on reality tv programs and love to see them fall and lose and be crushed - just as in the past we were titillated buy "freaks" in country-fair side-shows. The times haven't changed. We are just meaner and more self-righteous. And that is sad. And our children are learning how to join in in this game of one-upmanship. So I guess we can pat ourselves on the back. 

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