This blog has been created to discuss the topics covered in my book : Beyond Discouragement-Creativity.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Censorship growing at the same rate as ignorance

Taking Literature Literally - Ray Robertsaon - Globe and Mail - Jan 22, 2011. A superb essay which basically underlines our contemporary illiteracy. . . our inability to read anything without dissecting it, controlling it or censoring it our of existence based on our lack of a sense of humour and our inability to recognize irony. Fear rules now as in the times of witch hunts. And the battle over what controls our lives will be, now as it was then, literacy  vs ignorance. It seems that for the first time in the existence of democratic systems, we seem to pride ourselves in offering our children less than when we were children. We seem to prefer them ignorant rather than informed and intelligent.

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