This blog has been created to discuss the topics covered in my book : Beyond Discouragement-Creativity.
My goal is to post relevant news articles which both reflect and refute my opinions and observations. As a visitor, your comments would be most appreciated. - Bienvenue. À vous la parole.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases. . . Who cares!. Certainly not the powers that be.

Government Quietly Drops Salt Watchdog - Sarah Schmidt - Ottawa Citizen - Feb 04, 2011
In 2007, Health Canada created a panel which studies the concerns the medical profession has regarding the consumption of salt and the effects this has on our hearts. Quietly, as usual, this committee of experts who look into the amounts of salt in processed foods and what companies are doing about it has been disbanded. . .

Doctors Fear For Canadians' Health After Ottawa Disbands Task Force Into Sodium Consumption -  Carly Weeks/Gloria Galloway - The Globe and Mail - Feb 04, 2011

Quote: "The Federal Government has dismantled its sodium reduction task force (read: impartial) and is handing responsibility over to a group with HEAVY TIES TO THE FOOD INDUSTRY, a move many medical and consumer experts fear jeopardizes efforts to curb Canada's excessive sodium consumption."

All "new" task force persons are from the  food industry. NONE are specialists in the area of health.

Need I say more?

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